Next Balavihar : November 17th
Sevikas : Jacqueline Gaines, Meena Rajan
Room No : C-105
Ruchi Malaviya, Reshma Arun
Room No : C-105
Ruchi Malaviya, Reshma Arun
Room No: C-106
After two weeks it was great to meet all our little friends in balavihar today. The Diwali mood was still there and the kids came in happily with cheerful faces. Following is the jist of what was done today at balavihar
Opening Prayers
Gita Chanting
• Concentration Time : Shell game
• Story Time : Gitu's enthusiasm to help out
Activity Time : Spinning the origami top
• Likhita Japa : Tracing Ram in sanskrit (राम)
Section 1
After a 2 week break, it was great to meet and spend a wonderful Sunday morning together with the little ones. We started with the Shlokas and Bhajans. It was surprising to see that most friends recited the first stanza of Geeta on their own. We will be starting second stanza next week
Today we had many interesting activities We learnt about E for enthusiasm. How we could achieve everything if we loved what we did and was enthusiastic about it. We raced cars and learnt how we could win by trying and enthusiastically racing. We tried sorting a mix of rice and pulses. We realized that any task that looks too big can be achieved by trying enthusiastically to do it.
We also had a wonderful spinning top which we used to experiment. When we spinner hard, the tops fluttered beautifully around the class room. We listened to an inspiring story about gitu the chipmunk who saved the forest. Time flew today and we ended with our ending prayers and the pledge. It was an enthusiastic Sunday class and we look forward to the next week
Today we had many interesting activities We learnt about E for enthusiasm. How we could achieve everything if we loved what we did and was enthusiastic about it. We raced cars and learnt how we could win by trying and enthusiastically racing. We tried sorting a mix of rice and pulses. We realized that any task that looks too big can be achieved by trying enthusiastically to do it.
We also had a wonderful spinning top which we used to experiment. When we spinner hard, the tops fluttered beautifully around the class room. We listened to an inspiring story about gitu the chipmunk who saved the forest. Time flew today and we ended with our ending prayers and the pledge. It was an enthusiastic Sunday class and we look forward to the next week
Section 2
We started our class with 3 om's and proceeded with our shlokas. We introduced two new things this week. One we started with our new shloka "Mookam karoti vaachalam and two we started the second verse of gita. This was possible only because we notice that most of our friends are chanting both ekadantam mahakayam and verse 1 of gita quite well. We owe a big thank you to all the parents who are practicing the shlokas with the kids. We also feel the need to give a special mention to the kids who have been practicing their listening skills and can keep quiet for long now. It was wonderful to see that most of the kids were on target with good at shell game were as a group they are supposed to keep quiet and concentrate.
Alphabet safari which is a very important part of the curriculum was next and we revised A to D letters what they stand for before we proceeded to the letter of the day E. It was wonderful to see how kids as young as kindergardeners could think of empathy and emergencey for the letter E. We told the story of the little chipmunk called Gitu who was given no importance and told by the other animals in the forest that she could not help out. Her mother however always reinforced that everyone has their own special place in the world. So when the village and forest got flooded and they had to build a dam how Gitu with her enthusiasm and hardwork made two piles of sand. So with a lot of enthusiasm we can achieve our aspiration. Kids then had great fun playing top with origami top and were enthusiastically playing with it. Then we did our likhita japa our second round to ensure children chant and write rama. Finally it was time to say our closing prayers and pledge.
We loved having you little ones as you continue to give us lot of energy in the class. We would ask you to continue your good work with your gita and shlokas practice. Look forward to meeting you again and having lots of fun.
We promised the children that we would post a video on how we made the origami spinning tops, so here it is. :-) This is a really fun family craft activity... 'cuz everybody loves to spin!
We promised the children that we would post a video on how we made the origami spinning tops, so here it is. :-) This is a really fun family craft activity... 'cuz everybody loves to spin!