Next classes: May 15 - 17, 2015
Venue: Chinmaya Vrindavan Ashram
95 Cranbury Neck Rd., Cranbury, NJ
Please arrive no more than 10/15 minutes before the time slot your child is registered for. There will be classes in session before us. Thank you!
Friday@ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday @ 2:00 p.m.
Sunday @ 8:45 a.m.
Sunday @ 12.45 p.m.
Sunday @3:15 p.m.
Geeta Chanting: Chapter 15, Shlokas 1 to 12
Here is an audio blog that has archived all the Bhagavad Geeta chapters. It is a wonderful learning tool... and we highly recommend that you check it out. Also, please note that tutoring classes are being held at the ashram. We highly recommend that you sign your child up for this wonderful opportunity!
Concentration/Shell Game
Two and a half minutes of sitting silently, while focusing on the number of shells that are being dropped into a bowl.... with eyes closed, of course. :-)
Yoga Stretches/Exercise
5 to 10 minutes of stretching
Circle Time/Activity Time 'U' is for Unity
What is Unity?
Unity is to join hands and work together to help each other.
What happens when we have unity?
Unity is strength. When we are united, we have a better chance of succeeding in life and protecting ourselves.
'V' Is for Victory What is victory?
Victory is when you attain your goal.
What is required to be victorious?
To be victorious, work had and always speak the truth.
Story Time: The Four CowsOnce upon a time there were four cows who were very good friends. They always helped and cared for each other. Every evening the four cows would go to a meadow to graze. A lion also would come to the meadow everyday in the hope of killing and eating the cows for dinner.
The cows, while smelling the lion approaching, would stand next to eachotherpointing their horns in the direction of the lion, threating to charge. Seeing the four angry cows together, the lion would run away and look for dinner elsewhere. Because the cows were united, they were able to defend themselves against the mighty lion.
One day the cows had a fight amongst them, and even stopped taking to each other. When they came to graze that evening they stood apart from each other. The lion who had returned to the meadow saw the cows grazing far away from each other, and immediately attacked and hurt one of them. They realized their mistake and got united again.
Tale: The Marathon Race
Nine handicapped children were to run a marathon. Everyone was eagerly waiting to see this race. At the sound of “start” all the 9 children started moving forward as fast as they could. But just one block from the starting line, one boy tripped and fell down. He started to cry. The other eight children heard the cry and felt his pain. One girl decided to come back and help the boy stand up again. She said, “ If I kiss you here, pointing to the injured foot, it will not hurt you anymore.” And before the crowd realized what was happening the rest of the children returned to help this boy get up. Then all the children ran the marathon holding hands together.
Who was the winner? It was all of them and the audience clasped in awe.
Likhita Japa
Some children performed their likhita japa with tracing papers, while others wrote "Raama" on the background of their coloring page of Gurudev.
Activity 2:
Activity 2:
Fold the picture along the vertical lines, like a fan. Make sure to keep the doll on top fold. Cut along the doll shape. Unfold and you will have a chain of dolls. Let children write in the circle provided in each doll, U,N,I,T,Y.