Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

November 7th, KG Section - 2

Next Class - November 14th, 2010

Sevikas: Asha, Nayana


Our Next Class is on November 14th. This is also the day where food items are being collected for the 'Homefront Thanksgiving Basket Seva Project'. Please bring in non-perishable food items (you must've recvd the email with the items list) such as cake mixes, cookies, mashed potato boxes, canned juices etc.

Schedule for November 7th class

Morning Prayers
  • AUM Chanting
  • Sahana Vavathu
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya
  • Saraswathi Namasthubhyam

Focus and Concentration Game: 2 minutes of focus on "stones dropping in a vessel".

Story Time Focus: 'C' for Cleanliness and Diwali

- They learned that Cleanliness of Surrounding and body is not enough, we also need a clean mind. 3 ways of keeping the mind clean were discussed.

- Story: The Special Horse

Activity Focus: Diwali

The kids made and decorated Diyas with Clay. Discussion on why they burst crackers and light Diyas.

Geetha Chapter 11 Chanting

Recap of first 2 verses and introduced 3rd verse. As noted before, please have kids practise at home also. They have to listen to the verses everyday.

Closing Prayers

-Arathi - OM Jaya Jagadisha Hare

-Gurudev's Arathi




  • Please fill in your email addresses in the sheet in the classroom. Most of you have filled out, I think we're missing about 6 addresses.
  • Please get the book "My favorite alphabets" from the bookstore for next class. Emails were sent out to parents regarding this.