Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

march 11

Next Class: March 25 2012
Sevikas: Vasudha, Bala (Section 1)
Jayashree, Shubangi (Section 2)


Parents, please register you children for the Gita Competition. Kindergartners have to memorize 8 verses. The competition will take place in the Ashram on April 21st. Children have to recite individually in front of 3 judges in a small
room (no audience). The main judging criteria are memory, pronunciation and Bhaavam. All participants receive a nice participation medal. Please click here to visit the registration page. The audio for the Ch XII is also available at this site

Additional classes for 'gItaa chanting' of 12th chapter are being offered on Fridays from 7 pm to 8 pm, at the Ashram. Anyone is welcome to attend.

We have added a new link on the left 'Arts and Crafts' where we will post instructions for the projects we do in class for interested parents.

Mar 18 Class Schedule
AUM Chanting
Saraswathi Namasthubhyam
Buddhir Balam
Gurur Brahma

Khate Bhi Ram Kaho

Geeta Chanting: Chapter XII first five shlokas

Story Time and Letter(s) of the day: 'R' is for Right and 'S' for Smile

Activity: "Doing the Right Thing"/Make your friend Smile.

Likhita Japa: Ram/OM

Closing Prayers: Tvameva Mathacha
Asatho Maa Sad Gamaya
First 3 stanzas of Jaya Jagadeesha Hare


After the initial prayers and Bhajans we practiced the first shlokas of Bhagavad Gita(chapter 12).
We re-capped all the alphabets learnt so far.
The alphabets for this week were R for RIGHT and S for SMILE.
We talked about why we are doing R and S before P and Q.

We all played the game "Doing the Right Thing", to explore the word RIGHT.
Story of the day was "The Rock on the Road" and from the stroy we learnt that we have to do the right thing,even if nobody else is doing it, because by doing right things always will bring good rewards and happiness in the end.
We discussed what right things to do in our daily life and how it will bring good rewards and happiness to everyone they are associated with.
For the alphabet S--we explored
What is a smile?(facial expression of joy and pleasure)
Why do we smile?(makes us feel happy, helps us make friends etc.,)
What makes us smile?(happy and funny things)
Do we like to see our friends crying or smiling?(everyone wanted to their friends smiling)
So we played a game to make a kid smile. One kid was selected who pretended to be not happy and would not smile come what may, rest of the kids had to make their friend smile. While playing this game the entire class was crackling with laughter, because laughing and smiling is contagious.

Please practice the shlokas and Geeta at home with the children.
Please take the children to the restroom before the class.
Please do not send in any bags or folders with them.
If you have any spare art supplies, like markers, gel pens, glue sticks, clay etc please donate them to the class.

After the initial prayers and Bhajans we reviewed the Geeta. We went over the 6th Shloka again. Most of our children have learnt till the 8th sloka and are getting ready for the competition. Our letter of the day was 'R' for right and 'S' for smile. We talked about why we are doing R and S before P and Q. We all played the game "Doing the Right Thing". Then I told them the story of "the Rock on the Road" and we learnt that we have to do the right thing,even if nobody else is doing it. We discussed what right things to do in our daily life like "turn off the lights when you leave the room", "do not litter" and children came up with wonderful ideas. Then we did a short story of "Million Dollar Smile".

We then did Likhita Japa to quieten our mind and increase our focus. They all seem to enjoy the Likhita Japa very much and look forward for it. Important information regarding the Gita competition is given above in the announcements section. Please continue to practice the Gita with the children at home.

We are grateful to Savitha's Father for helping out in the class.


Please practice the shlokas and Geeta at home with the children.
Please take the children to the restroom before the class.
Please do not send in any bags or folders with them.
If you have any spare art supplies, like markers, gel pens, glue sticks, clay etc please donate them to the class.