Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

Next Balavihar : October 6th
Sevikas : Jacqueline Gaines, Meena Rajan
               Ruchi Malaviya,  Reshma Arun

RoomNo: C-105

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Hari OM Everyone !!

It was a bright sunny beautiful fall morning and all the aunties were happy to see the kids happy faces.  We started our class with 3 om's.  

Then we proceeded to our opening prayers and our shlokas. Here is a quick recap of what we did today....

• Concentration Time : Shell game
• Game time : Yes I can reach my goal. Playing with balloon and stick
• A stands for Aspiration
Likhita Japa : Tracing Ram in sanskrit (राम)
• Story Time : Best Archer
• Recap of colors in sanskrit


We had a combined classs today and started the class with shlokas . We learnt the meaning of our opening prayer as we learnt how teachers and students are one team and come in peace together to get knowledge from our scriptures. This was followed by gita chanting. We continued learning Chapter 14 verse 1. We then had our quiet time activity with JQ aunty bringing out her magical shells. Today is the last class we were together so made the most of it. Next week we will split into two sections.We started the alphabet safari this week and we discussed the first letter A which stands for aspiration. Reshma aunty made it interesting with her story about Arjuna the archer and how he was so focussed on his goal the eye of the bird. 
We followed this with the balloon game and as they jumped high and low trying to touch the balloon they understood how very high aspiration and low aspiration both leads to discontentment and unhappiness. But how our aspiration to achieve a goal with hard work brings us tremendous joy. We followed this with our Krishna vadati (like simon says) made the children have fun releasing all the energy. We followed this with  followed by likhita japa. We continued tracing of राम as we felt they would start writing better if they did tracing initially. We had a very pleasant surprise today when we all went out and took the classroom to the outside. We checked the fall color of leaves and said them in sanskrit. This was followed by the Bhajans and closing prayers with all the kids in a circle. We hope the kids had lots of fun.

October 4th is Mahalya the beginning of Navaratri in parts of India and Devi welcoming in eastern india. Enjoy the dhak posted on the blog and show how puja is performed with musical instruments in welcoming goddess home. We will see you again next Sunday at Crossroads sharply at 10.