Next Balavihar : September 29th
Sevikas : Jacqueline Gaines, Meena Rajan
Ruchi Malaviya, Reshma Arun
RoomNo: C-105
It was a pleasant fall morning and all the aunties were pleased to find that most of us the kids came in happily and settled down on time. After getting settled we started our class with 3 om's.
Then we proceeded to our opening prayers and our shlokas. Here is a quick recap of we did today....
Opening Prayers
Gita Chanting
Chapter 14 verse 1
Concentration Time : Shell game
Game time : Krishna Vadati
Name tags by children
Likhita Japa : Tracing Ram in sanskrit (राम)Game time : Krishna Vadati
Name tags by children
Story Time : Who's watching
Recap of colors and numbers in sanskrit
We had a combined classs today and started the class with shlokas and gita chanting. Today we had both the sections but next week classes will be allotted and from the week after we will be assembling in two different classroom. As we are a big group right now we enjoyed the day with lots of activities. Krishna vadati (like simon says) made the children have fun by jumping, dancing, running and releasing all the energy. Then we listened to the story who's watching about how a teacher distributed apple to kids and asked them to eat when nobody was watching. This story introduced them to the concepts who is god, where is god, and what does god do.
We followed this with activities like shell game which allowed the children to settle concentrate and be quiet. Then the kids did name tags and colored them beautifully. This was followed by likhita japa. We continued tracing of राम as we felt they would start writing better if they did tracing initially. After likhita japa we concluded class with closing prayers. We hope the kids had lots of fun. We will introduce more and more routine and structure to the class as we go. So enjoy the week and we will see you again next week....