Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

Feb 12, 2012

Next Class: Feb 26 2012
Sevikas: Vasudha, Bala (Section 1)
Jayashree, Shubangi (Section 2)


There will be no classes next week instead MahaSivaratri will be celebrated at the Vrindavan Ashram. Please join us there.

We have added a new link on the left 'Arts and Crafts' where we will post instructions for the projects we do in class for interested parents.

Additional classes for 'gItaa chanting' of 12th chapter are being offered on Fridays from 7 pm to 8 pm, at the Ashram. Anyone is welcome to attend. Registration for the Gita Chanting competition is now open. Please click here to visit the registration page. The audio for the Ch XII is also available at this site.

Feb 12 Class Schedule
AUM Chanting
Saraswathi Namasthubhyam
Buddhir Balam
Gurur Brahma

Khate Bhi Ram Kaho

Geeta Chanting: Chapter XII first five shlokas

Story Time and Letter(s) of the day: 'M' is for Mom

Activity: Paper flower project (photo below)

Likhita Japa:

Closing Prayers:


After chanting all our initial prayers, we moved on to our Alphabet of the day, M for Mother.
We discussed about what mother does for us(she cares, nurtures and protects us) and in turn how we express our love to her( by helping her, listening to her, giving her a hug etc) and also what we worship as a symbol of mother(earth, India, scriptures, nature etc.,)

Hope you all liked the flowers that the children made for their mom. In fact we chanted OM NAMAH SHIVAYA while making the flower. If you would like to make more with the kids click here for the details.

Today we practiced our Gitaa chanting differently. We chanted the first word, the kids had to chant the following word. This way we practiced all the 4 shlokas.

We are thankful to Shruti Kumar's mom and Aarnav's grand mom, for volunteering in the class today.

There is no class next week, but Maha Sivaratri will be celebrated at the Ashram and there will be continuous chanting of Om Namah Shivaya and pooja. Please join the celebration.

Please practice the shlokas and Geeta at home with the children.
Please take the children to the restroom before the class.
Please do not send in any bags or folders with them.
If you have any spare art supplies, like markers, gel pens, glue sticks, clay etc please donate them to the class.

We recited all our regular prayers and practiced the two new shlokas that we learnt in the last class a couple of times. Children came up for the first two Bhajans and then we had fun adding a few more lines to Khate Bhi Ram Kaho including dancing!

Several children came up to recite the first 5 shlokas of the Gita. We were happy to see some new people volunteer to come up this time.

We reviewed all the alphabets we have covered so far and then moved on to 'M' for Mom. We discussed everything our Mom does for us. We tried to find out how the children expressed their love for their mother - we were pleasantly surprised to find out how many of them helped their moms cook!

Hope you all liked the flowers that the children made for their mom - if you would like to make more with the kids click here for the details.

Thanks to Varun's parents for donating supplies to the class. We are also thankful to Shyam's dad for volunteering in class this week.

There is no class next week, but Maha Sivaratri will be celebrated at the Ashram and there will be continuous chanting of Om Namah Shivaya and pooja. Please join the celebration.


Please practice the shlokas and Geeta at home with the children.
Please take the children to the restroom before the class.
Please do not send in any bags or folders with them.
If you have any spare art supplies, like markers, gel pens, glue sticks, clay etc please donate them to the class.