Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

Next Balavihar Class : December 9th 2012
Section 1 Room 106 (Sevikas : Shubhangi and Reshma)
Section 2 Room 105 (Sevikas : Vasudha and Meena)

Hari OM All,

This is a quick recap of what we did this Sunday for our little friends in Kindergarten class.

Opening Prayers

Shlokas and Bhajans

Gita Chanting
Chapter 13 verse 1 and 2
Story / Activity

Shell game
F for friendship.
Story - Krishna and Sudama

Closing Prayers
OM Purnamidah
We had a combined class today of both the sections 1 and 2. This was a unique experience. Initially the friends from Section 1 were reluctant to come in as both the class and sevikas were new and they saw all new friends too. As the class continued the kids settled down comfortably participating with great enthusiasm.

We continued our class with kids coming to the front to recite shlokas 4 or 5 friends at a time. We had more participants than shlokas and we had to add more bhajans and geeta so all the kids who wanted to could get a chance to say it in front of their friends and take the lead too. It was wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm in the little ones.
After shlokas and bhajans we learnt our bhagawat geeta verse1 and 2 again. Today we did better than last class. Our little friends need a little more practice of verse 2.  We then continued with the letter of the day F for friendship. We asked what friendship meant to them and were pleasantly surprised when they responded from play, like, share, help to treat others the way you  would like to be treated. We followed this with Krishna Sudama story about friendship. We also did shell game to get the kids quiet before we finished the class with closing prayers.  We did the Pledge for the first time in class so the kids could repeat after the teachers.
Thanks to parent from Section 2 Arun for volunteering in setting up the class for the combined class. Thanks to parents from Section 1 both Prarthana and Arvind for staying in the class the whole time and helping out. You were really a great support and made the kids settle comfortably and happily.