Next Balavihar Class : December 2nd 2012
Next Balavihar Class : December 2nd 2012
Section 1 Room 106 (Sevikas : Shubhangi and Reshma)
Section 2 Room 105 (Sevikas : Vasudha and Meena)
Hari OM All,
Opening Prayers
Shlokas and Bhajans
Gita Chanting
- Chapter 13 verse 1 and 2
Story / Activity
Shell game
Likita japa "OM"
E for Enthusiasm.
Section 1
The kids were very enthusiastic today as most of them had celebrated Diwali the previous week and were excited to talk about the puja, firecrackers and the parties they attended. Many of our friends did not attend the class today. The children brought back last week’s assignment and spoke about the interest of their daddies. Those who forgot please bring it for the next class.
Kids were excited to sing the Slokas and Bhajans and many have started chanting the Gita too. We request the parents to help them practice at home and increase their confidence. Today our Alphabet Safari took us to letter 'E' , which stands for Enthusiasm.
We learnt that by loving the things we do, we can be enthusiastic and cheerful all the time. We listened to the story of, Gitu the chipmunk who helped save the forest by being enthusiastic about helping others. We finished our coloring and then went to the auditorium for aarti and pledge.
Parents, Please send in water bottles and see that they go to the rest rooms. This will save a lot of our time
Section 2
The kids were very enthusiastic today as most of them had celebrated Diwali the previous week and were excited to talk about the puja, firecrackers and the parties they attended. Many of our friends did not attend the class today. The children brought back last week’s assignment and spoke about the interest of their daddies. Those who forgot please bring it for the next class.
Kids were excited to sing the Slokas and Bhajans and many have started chanting the Gita too. We request the parents to help them practice at home and increase their confidence. Today our Alphabet Safari took us to letter 'E' , which stands for Enthusiasm.
We learnt that by loving the things we do, we can be enthusiastic and cheerful all the time. We listened to the story of, Gitu the chipmunk who helped save the forest by being enthusiastic about helping others. We finished our coloring and then went to the auditorium for aarti and pledge.
Parents, Please send in water bottles and see that they go to the rest rooms. This will save a lot of our time
We continued our new pattern in class with kids coming to the front to recite shlokas 2 at a time. We had more participants than shlokas and we had to add more shlokas so all the kids who wanted to could get a chance to say it in front of their friends and take the lead too. It was wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm in the little ones.
After shlokas and bhajans we learnt our bhagawat geeta verse 2 again. Today we did better than last class. We have asked our little ones to practice at home following the blog. We also did shell game to get the kids quiet. This made them more focussed as we did likita japa of the letter aum in sanskrit. We then continued with the letter of the day E for enthusiasm. We asked if kids were interested in pizza, ice cream or eating dal rice. They replied enthusiastically for pizza and ice cream. This way got them to understand what enthusiasm is. To our delight they replied that they loved coming to balavihar with lot of enthusiasm.
We had Arati and Pledge at the auditorium today. We would encourage parents to pick up the kids after the presentation and closing prayers to pick up the kids.