Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

Next Balavihar Class : January 6th 2013
Section 1 Room 106 (Sevikas : Shubhangi and Reshma)
Section 2 Room 105 (Sevikas : Vasudha and Meena)

Seva Project : Donating Socks for the homeless shelter
(details in the last para....)

Hari OM All,

This is a quick recap of what we did this Sunday for our little friends in Kindergarten class.

Opening Prayers

Shlokas and Bhajans

Gita Chanting
Chapter 13 verse 1 and 2, verse 3

Story / Activity
Shell game
H for Happiness
Happy Train.

Closing Prayers
OM Purnamidah

Section 1
We started our beautiful Sunday morning with prayers and shlokas. All the children sang well together. our alphabet safari took us to the letter H for Happiness. we talked about what made us happy and how to always remain happy by being content.  We were all excited to play the Happy Train game with the other class and we made a train ride to the cafeteria where we had many surprises.

We were all happy and excited and saved our candies for later after we reached back to the class. we continued with our bhajans and then recited the geetha. many kids confidently came up to sing the first paragraph. we highly encourage parents to help them practice at home. we also learnt the first 2 lines of stanza 3.

We wish all the children and their families safe holidays and a very happy new year.
Section 2.
We had an enthusiastic class today with little friends volunteering to take lead for bhajans, shlokas and gita. We however ensured that all our friends did gita chanting by repeating after the teacher. We also learnt the first line of the third verse.  We encourage the parents to ask children to listen to first three verses using the online tool. We then did our letter for the day H for Happiness. We discussed about God, who he is where he lives. We then went as a happy train with both classes together. No matter what we get in Playground where we need to be silent, eat dal/roti instead when we feel like pizza, go to hardware store when we want to go to toyland we need to continue our journey happily as happiness is an attitude. We then played our shell game and did our closing prayers followed by pledge.

The students from Kindergarten have been asked to be part of the  Seva project in January instead of December conducted by CORD.

CORD works locally with Trenton Area Soup Kitchen(TASK) on various local Seva projects such as winter coat drive,  Thanks giving baskets, school supplies drive etc.  In connection with this, our class has been allotted the Seva project of donating socks to the homeless shelter. We are required to donate unisex tube socks. We have decided to take monetary contribution from the parents and buy the socks. They work out to $5.00/2pairs. Since our Seva Project is now scheduled for January. We are planning to purchase the socks and give it to the CORD team on January 13th. Pls. come with your contribution when you come on the 6th. Thank you very much. Your help and support are much appreciated

We wish all the students and parents happy holidays. See you all back on 6th January.
