Next Balavihar Class : April 14th 2013
Next Balavihar Class : April 14th 2013
Section 1 Room 106 (Sevikas : Shubhangi and Reshma)
Section 2 Room 105 (Sevikas : Vasudha and Meena)
Hari OM All,
This is a quick recap of what we did this Sunday for our little friends in Kindergarten class.
Opening Prayers
Shlokas and Bhajans
Gita Chanting
Chapter 13 verse 1-7
Story / Activity
Story / Activity
Section 1
It was good to see the kids after a long break.Today was another beautiful balvihar day full of fun. Many children have been missing classes. Now that only few more classes are left for the year, we hope to see all the kids. Thank you Sailata for helping out in class. We also thank all the parents who help us out putting the chairs back on the tables.It was wonderful to see the kids say the slokas
We hope all the kids have been registered for the Geeta Chanting competition on April 20th.Gita chanting
registrations will be open until April 10, 2013. Find more information
about the competition and evaluation criteria on
Most of the children are able to recite all 7 verses of Gita with a little help. A little help from parents can make a lot of difference. We have been working hard on Gita for the whole year, please ensure the children participate.
After revising our previous alphabet safari letters we moved on to ‘T’ that stands for Truth. We teachers each discussed about an incident in their lives where telling truth made a difference. Children also agreed to stand by truth at all times and shared their little experiences. We enjoyed the story of the shepherd who cried, “WOLF” and learnt that no matter what the consequences, we have to be truthful.
Most of the children are able to recite all 7 verses of Gita with a little help. A little help from parents can make a lot of difference. We have been working hard on Gita for the whole year, please ensure the children participate.
After revising our previous alphabet safari letters we moved on to ‘T’ that stands for Truth. We teachers each discussed about an incident in their lives where telling truth made a difference. Children also agreed to stand by truth at all times and shared their little experiences. We enjoyed the story of the shepherd who cried, “WOLF” and learnt that no matter what the consequences, we have to be truthful.
Finally it was time for the children to put their thoughts on paper. We concluded with the ending prayers and pledge.
Section 2
Please make sure they carry a water bottle and go to the rest room before they come to the class.
Section 2
Today was another beautiful balvihar day full of fun. It was good top see all our friends back, after a long spring break.
Our dear Meena Aunty has gone on vacation to India. We have Chitra Aunty with us in the class for the rest of the Balvihar year. We are all really happy to have Chitra Aunty, she is such a wonderful resource of knowledge. Couple of kids already knew her from their Malayalam class.
We started with the slokas. We learnt a new sloka "RAMAYA RAMABHADRAYA", Chitra Aunty explained to the kids how Lord Hanuman will be pleased when he hears some one chant Sri Rama's name.
We have learnt all the seven verses of Gita in the class, today we kept rehearsing what we had learnt previously. Most of kids are ready for the chanting. Gita chanting registrations will be open until April 10, 2013. Find more information about the competition and evaluation criteria on
We re-capped all the alphabets learnt so far. The alphabet for this week was T for TRUTH. We learnt the importance of speaking the truth , no matter what, through the story "THE BOY CRIES WOLF".
We re-capped all the alphabets learnt so far. The alphabet for this week was T for TRUTH. We learnt the importance of speaking the truth , no matter what, through the story "THE BOY CRIES WOLF".
We played a game to see how hard it is to lie, kids had fun playing this game.
After the game it was time for our Likita Japa. The words for the Japa was OM and RAMA. It is amazing to watch the kids who where full of energy and active while playing the game, become calm and quiet while doing their Likita Japa.
Please make sure they carry a water bottle and go to the rest room before they come to the class.