Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

Next Balavihar Class : April 7th 2013
Section 1 Room 106 (Sevikas : Shubhangi and Reshma)
Section 2 Room 105 (Sevikas : Vasudha and Meena)

Hari OM All,

This is a quick recap of what we did this Sunday for our little friends in Kindergarten class.

Opening Prayers

Shlokas and Bhajans
Gita Chanting
Chapter 13 verse 1-7

Story / Activity
S for Smile

Closing Prayers
OM Purnamidah

Section 1

Today was another beautiful balvihar day full of fun. We started with the slokas. We have learnt new slokas like “Mookam Karoti”, “Aapadaamapa Hartharam”, “Ekadantam Mahakayam”. We have learnt all the seven verses of Gita in class and have to just keep practicing them. Gita chanting registrations will be open until April 10, 2013. Find more information about the competition and evaluation criteria on chinmayavrindavan.org.
We re-capped all the alphabets learnt so far. The alphabet for this week was S for SMILE. We learnt
What is a smile? (Facial expression of joy and pleasure)
Why do we smile? (Makes us feel happy, helps us make friends etc.,)
What makes us smile? (Happy and funny things)
Do we like to see our friends crying or smiling? (Everyone wanted to their friends smiling)
So we played a game to make a kid smile. Two or three kids were selected who pretended to be not happy and would not smile come what may, rest of the kids had to make their friend smile. While playing this game the entire class was crackling with laughter, because laughing and smiling is contagious. Everyone drew their own version of smiley faces and had fun coloring them.

We had a tough time taking the children to bathroom and for water since our volunteer did not come. Please make sure they carry a water bottle and go to the rest room before they come to the class. It is also waste of precious class fun time.

Section 2

It was cold and windy morning today but the cheerful faces brought the
much needed warmth. The little friends could not wait for the class to
start as they nudged the aunties to start the class before 10. We
finished our shlokas and bhajans and yes more than half the class
chanted all 7 verses of Gita. We had a group who chanted 5 verses and
they are joining for all 7 verses next week. Then it was time for
alphabet safari. The letter of the day was S for Smile. All the
friends made Suhani, Eesha and Deeksha to smile. They came with
different knock knock jokes and making faces as they had to follow the
rule(no touching no tickling allowed). Then we had the good story by
Vasudha aunty about how the little girls smile made the day beautiful
for a sad man and how he reciprocated by helping the girls mother car
trouble. We played the shell game and then finished our class with
closing prayers and pledge.

Our next class is after 2 weeks so this is a great time to catch up
and for friends who know how to tell gita as a group to make sure they
don't make a single mistake as they carefully practice.
Keep up the good work and keep smiling :)