Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

Next Balavihar Class : February 3rd 2013
Section 1 Room 106 (Sevikas : Shubhangi and Reshma)
Section 2 Room 105 (Sevikas : Vasudha and Meena)

Hari OM All,

This is a quick recap of what we did this Sunday for our little friends in Kindergarten class.

Opening Prayers

Shlokas and Bhajans

Gita Chanting
Chapter 13 verse 1,2 ,3 and 4

Story / Activity
K for kindness.
Happy and Sad faces - questions to test acts of kindness
Coloring K page from alphabet safari book
Shell game

Closing Prayers
OM Purnamidah

Section 1
As always our day started by pretty smiles from our little friends. After the slokas and bhajans we practiced our 3rd and 4th lines of Gita. We thank our parent volunteer (Ananya's mom) for all the support. Letter of the day was K for kindness. We played the game where children had to listen to example sentences and decide whether it was kind or unkind. Some children also gave examples of kindness in their lives like a friend helped them when they got hurt.Children are really enthusiastic to share their views in class which makes the class so interesting. We enjoyed the stories of Kind Siddhartha who saved the swan's life and Androcles who helped the lion. Please ask the children to recite the stories back to you.Children drew and colored the K page from the alphabet safari coloring book. Reshma Aunty also told the children about Jan26th Republic day and Indian flag. She also explained what those colors stand for. We concluded the class with closing prayers.

Section 2
We had a very participative class. The girls and boys chanted their shlokas and bhajans all by themselves. We did all 4 verses of gita. We need some more practise but were very happy to see many of them able to sing upto 3 verses well. We discussed the letter K for kindness and made smily and sad faces to show when presented with kind response to a situation. We also listened to the Androceles story and how kindness was so important to animals as well. We then played our shell game by dividing into teams this made the kids more interested as they wanted their team to be the best. We ended the day with our closing prayers and Pledge.