Pujya Gurudev

Pujya Gurudev

Next Balavihar Class : March 10th 2013
Section 1 Room 106 (Sevikas : Shubhangi and Reshma)
Section 2 Room 105 (Sevikas : Vasudha and Meena)

Hari OM All,

This is a quick recap of what we did this Sunday for our little friends in Kindergarten class.

Opening Prayers

Shlokas and Bhajans

Gita Chanting
Chapter 13 verse 1-7

Story / Activity
O for obedience.
Illustrations of stories about obedience.

Closing Prayers
OM Purnamidah
Section 1
Another beautiful Sunday morning and our little friends were all excited to start the day.After the slokas and bhajans we practiced the Gita upto verse 5. We highly encourage the parents to practice at home as all the kids are very keen on reciting it in front of the class. We thank our parent volunteer Dhruv's mom for all the support. We moved on to letter O for obedience. The children learnt why it was important to obey parents, elders and teachers  They vowed to be more obedient at home and listened intently to the story of an obedient child. The children were very excited to play 'teacher says' and we had a lot of fun. Please ask the children to recite the stories back to you and also ask them about the class activities.
We then did likit japa, wrote Rama and also learnt to write it in Hindi.
We concluded another wonderful balvihar class with ending prayers and pledge. See you all next week.

Section 2
It was a bright Sunday morning and all the little friends were as usual enthusiastic. We missed Vasudha aunty today as she was down with fever and sore throat. Thanks to Nanda Aunty who joined us and all the little ones were very happy to see her. We did our shlokas and bhajans followed by Gita upto verse 7. Children enthusiastically volunteered as many of them have started practising the Gita. Todays letter was O for Obedience .Nanda aunty told us the story about Billy and Farmer Oak. Children listened with wrapped attention and illustrated the story very nicely in the alphabet safari book each one of us choosing a different scene. We also did likita japa Rama. We concluded the class with closing prayers and pledge.